Yuting Chen

Yuting Chen

Supervisor: Professor Valerio Poti and Professor Don Bredin

Thesis Title: Economic Narratives, Investor Behaviors and Financial Markets

Research Interests: Behavioral Finance; Narrative Economics; NLP for Finance; Empirical Asset Pricing, Financial Forecasting



Yuting is a PhD candidate in Banking & Finance, jointly supervised by UCD Smurfit and ESC Rennes School of Business (France). Prior to embarking on his doctoral journey, he served as a full-time research assistant at UCD Smurfit, funded by Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland. His research focuses primarily on Behavioral Finance, Applied Econometrics, and Asset Pricing, and has been featured in both local and international conferences, including the 5th Irish Academy of Finance Annual Conference, the 29th Multinational Finance Society Annual Conference (where he received the best paper award), and the EEA-ESEM Annual Conference (2023). Several of his works have been published in journals such as Economics Letters and Digital Finance. Additionally, Yuting actively contributes as an anonymous reviewer for multiple peer-reviewed journals in Economics and Finance, including the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and the International Journal of Finance & Economics.

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