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Brennan awarded Irish Academy of Management Fellowship

  • Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021


Professor Niamh Brennan, Michael MacCormac Professor of Management at UCD and Founder/Academic Director of the UCD Centre for Corporate Governance, was conferred with the Irish Academy of Management Fellowship on Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

The Irish Academy of Management (IAM) was formed in 1997 and is the leading professional association for management studies, research and education on the island of Ireland. Its purpose is to promote the advancement of research, knowledge and education in the field of organisation and management studies.

The IAM Fellowship is awarded to an individual who has made a marked and noteworthy contribution to the discipline and/or practice of management in Ireland and to the IAM.

Professor Brennan has published extensively on corporate governance and financial reporting and is an international expert in these disciplines.

She was the first academic outside the UK to receive the 2018 British Accounting & Finance Association Distinguished Academic Award. In 2019, she was inducted into the Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Interdisciplinary Accounting Hall of Fame. And in 2020, Professor Brennan was elected to the Royal Irish Academy, which is considered to be the highest academic honour in Ireland. Professor Brennan is believed to be the first business school academic to be recognised by the Royal Irish Academy in this way.

The Fellowship is the highest honour the Irish Academy of Management can confer on one of its members.

Previous recipients of the IAM Fellowship award can be seen here.

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