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Consumers more likely to accept advice from an AI animal if task fits the species

  • Date: Mon, Nov 27, 2023

By BlueSky Education

Academics from UCD College of Business, HEC Montréal, and Nottingham University Business School (China) found that consumers are more accepting of AI in an animal form if the task seems to fit the species, such as seeking fitness advice from a cheetah. Consumers are then more likely to engage with the animal AI than humanoid AI if the activity, experience, or product is designed to be fun.

AI‐powered services are increasingly adopting animal representations, referred to as zoonotic design. Examples include (otter) and (dog), which perform tasks traditionally completed by humans, such as transcribing meeting notes and providing customer service.

Dr, Anshu Suri, UCD Garfield Weston Assistant Professor of Marketing at UCD Smurfit School, College of Business

To understand the effects of zoonotic AI on consumer adoption, Dr.
Anshu Suri, UCD Garfield Weston Assistant Professor of Marketing at UCD Smurfit School, and colleagues and colleagues from HEC Montréal, and Nottingham University Business School (China)  conducted a series of seven studies. These studies involved assessing responses to an AI bear copywriting assistant, an AI tiger fitness assistant, an AI parrot, and more.

Results from the first three studies suggest consumers are less likely to choose an AI over a human provider when the AI is represented by an animal compared to a humanoid robot. A follow-up study demonstrates this is due to the difficulty in trying to associate the animal with the task, e.g., it’s difficult to imagine a bear supporting copywriting.

This was evident in their subsequent study which showed that zoonotic AI was easier to accept when characteristics of the animal aligned with the task, such as a cheetah giving running advice. In their final study, consumers were actually found to be more accepting of animal AI than humanoid AI if the task is perceived to be fun and enjoyable.

Dr. Suri says, “Given the substantial investments brands make in developing and marketing AI‐based services, our research advises caution in representing such services with zoonotic AI. When designing zoonotic AI, managers should carefully consider matching the species with the nature of the service being offered. Managers can also promote the adoption of zoonotic AI by emphasising the entertaining aspects of the AI's task process.”

These findings advance the understanding of consumer–AI interactions in the context of zoonotic designs and provide valuable managerial insights into when and how firms should use animal representation for AI‐powered services.

These findings were first published in the journal Psychology & Marketing:  31 October 2023 - Poirier, S. M., Huang, B., Suri, A., & Sénécal, S. Beyond humans: Consumer reluctance to adopt zoonotic artificial intelligence. Psychology & Marketing.

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