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Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington receives UCD Teaching and Learning Award

  • Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2019

The UCD 2018 Teaching and Learning Awards took place on 27th February 2019 in recognition of individual faculty and staff in teaching roles for their sustained commitment to teaching excellence and student learning. Among the awardees were Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington, Director, Assurance of Learning, College of Business, who received a Teaching Excellence Award at the recent ceremony. 

UCD’s national and international reputation for educational excellence has been built over many years by the passion, innovation and commitment of its faculty and staff. The ceremony honoured a total of six individuals and three teams, all of whom have had a transformative impact on their students’ learning experience.

Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington, Director, Assurance of Learning, UCD College of Business

Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington, Director, Assurance of Learning, UCD College of Business

During the citation read at the ceremony, Professor Mark Rogers, Registrar and Deputy President, who presented the awards said, "Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington joined the UCD College of Business in 1996 and has considerable teaching experience in human resource management (HRM), with a focus on talent management; learning and development; and HRM for line managers. Learners are central in Linda’s approach, where establishing and maintaining good quality learning relationships with students is prioritised. Students attest to her exceptional teaching qualities and skills and to the care and effort invested by Linda in their development, inside and outside of the classroom."

Congratulations to all of the 2018 Teaching and Learning awardees on their wonderful achievements. 

(Produced by: UCD Teaching and Learning)

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