Message from Helen Brophy, Director, Smurfit Executive Development
Tuesday, 12th May 2020:
Dear Participants,
We are extremely proud to announce that UCD Smurfit Executive Development has for the first time been ranked in both the Open Enrolment and Customised programmes in the prestigious 2020 Financial Times Executive Education Rankings. The ranking sees both programmes in the European top 50 with Open Enrolment programmes ranked 27th and Customised programmes ranked 47th.
In UCD’s first year participating in the Customised programmes ranking, the School is placed 85th globally. Open Enrolment programmes are ranked at 42nd globally, rising one place from 43rd place in 2019.
The ranking, which assesses performance across a number of criteria saw the School place in the world’s top 50 across 14 of 16 categories in Open Enrolment. In the Customised ranking, the School achieved 21st in the world for Faculty Diversity and 23rd for Overseas Programmes. The rankings demonstrate the international standing of Smurfit’s executive education programmes and places UCD Smurfit Executive Development within an elite group of global business educators.
UCD Smurfit School has now been listed among the world’s top business education providers by the Financial Times for two decades. This milestone comes at a time when we are seeing extraordinary changes to ‘business as usual’ as we collectively face the defining challenge of a generation. Now more than ever, investment in the development of leadership talent is essential.
Notwithstanding this achievement, we will continue to innovate and focus on executives' and organisations' specific challenges while creating impact across all of our programmes.
I will continue to remain in contact with regular updates on developments and hope that you will keep actively engaged in our alumni activities in the coming weeks ahead.
Thank you for your continued support. Please take care and stay safe and well.
Best wishes,
Helen Brophy
Director, UCD Smurfit Executive Development.