Students inspire at Supply Chain Exhibition
- Date: Wed, May 10, 2023
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MSc Supply Chain Management students presented during the 'Inspiring Supply Chain Initiatives' academic poster exhibition to develop their awareness and learning of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
As a member of the ‘Principles for Responsible Management Education’ (PRME) global
initiative, the exhibition showcased the expertise of our future leaders in transforming
business for a sustainable future.
In response to this mandate, the exhibition presented 17 case studies on inspiring and
innovative supply chain initiatives that are transforming how business is done.
To mark the students’ achievement and dedication in this area, a specimen oak tree was
planted in the grounds of UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School.
“Our students are faced with a daunting task,” said Kate McLoughlin, Assistant Professor in
Management. “How we produce and consume is the root cause of climate change and we
know that change is necessary.”
“It is within their skill and ability to change the impact of how business is done on our
planet. We are proud of the effort that they have put forth and are hopeful for the future.”