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Top tips for National Workplace Wellbeing Day

  • Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021

Director of Assurance Of Learning Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington and Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management Dr Majella Fahy are members of the UCD CAREWELL research team. The team examines the promotion of health and self-care among family carers in the workplace and their research has highlighted important factors that can help to improve wellbeing at work.

Today, on National Workplace Wellbeing Day, their recommendations are:

1. Disconnect
Reduce your daily screen time. Plan periods in your day when you close your email and focus on other tasks. Be mindful of colleagues when sending emails outside of standard office hours – use the ‘schedule send’ function instead!

2. Make space
Carve out some ‘free’ space to catch your breath, take stock and plan ahead. Schedule at least one meeting-free day each week.

3. Take a break
Be mindful of the hours you work and avoid overly extending your working day. Take ample breaks and aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day (preferably outdoors).

4. Seek (and offer) support
If you are finding things difficult at the moment (and let’s face it, many of us are), share the load. Making your line manager and peers aware of this can help and there will always be a colleague available to lend a listening ear. We can all play our part in supporting colleagues at this time, so reach out and offer support to someone who may need it.

5. Prioritise
Focus on what’s important to you and do more of what makes you smile.

In Ireland, an estimated 1 in 9 employees are managing work as well as family care responsibilities. Family carers are the main providers of care for those who are living in the community and in need of care due to illness, disability or age-related infirmity.

International research evidence indicates that to successfully combine these dual roles, employees with caring responsibilities require support and resources at multiple levels, including the organisation where they work and their colleagues.

Our research suggests that, for a variety of reasons, family carers are often reluctant to declare their caring responsibilities to their employer and peers. However, when they do, they are better able to reconcile the demands of work and caregiving and this ultimately has a positive effect on their well-being.

Read more about the CAREWELL project and find resources here.

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