UCD Business Alumni nominated for CEMS Alumni of the Year Award
Dr Enrico Fontana, UCD Smurfit School MSc in CEMS International Management Alumnus ’08, has been nominated for the CEMS Alumni of the Year Award in the Mid-Career Alumni Category.
Voting is now open and will close on November 15, 2021.
The voting process takes less than one minute and can be accessed here.
The CEMS Alumni Awards are presented annually to outstanding CEMS alumni in recognition of excellent contributions to promote one or many of the CEMS values of global citizenship, cultural diversity, professional responsibility, professional accountability and impact on society as a whole.
CEMS is recognised as a unique global community, comprising the world’s finest students, schools, alumni, corporate and social partners, delivering the leading international Master’s in Management (MiM) that prepares responsible leaders contributing to a more open, sustainable and inclusive world.
In addition to UCD, Enrico Fontana has also studied with three other CEMS partner schools, Bocconi University, Milan, WU, Vienna, and also Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden where Enrico is currently an affiliated researcher.
Enrico is also currently a Lecturer in Management and Organization at the Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University in Thailand where his area of research in management and organization studies focuses on the phenomena of corporate social responsibility (CSR) work and sustainable supply chains, with a regional focus on South and South-East Asia. He is also a Project Consultant at the University Nations University, Flores supporting the development of social and environmental sustainability curricula (textile life cycle) in Bangladesh universities. In addition to his academic background, Enrico previously worked for about six years in the fashion supply chain as market manager in Japan and Italy.
With over 16,000 CEMS Alumni across the world, this is truly a prestigious nomination for UCD Alum Enrico Fontana reflecting the Global Citizenship and impactful career goals of graduates of the MSc IM CEMS programme.
Alumni Awards are given out in 3 categories: Junior Alumni Award (1 to 5 years), Mid-Career Alumni Award (6 to 15 years) and Senior Alumni Award (16 to 30 years). See all nominees here.
Voting is now open and will close on November 15, 2021.
The voting process takes less than one minute and can be accessed here.