Before arrival

Some students may be required to obtain a student visa in order to study in Ireland. Please check the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Services website to see if this applies to your case.

Advice on the entry visa can be found on the UCD Global website.

For example:

After arrival

Regardless of the entry visa requirement, all non-EU/EEA and non-Swiss citizens have to apply for permission to stay in Ireland before the date stamped on their passport at border control. More information about the registration process can be found on the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Services website.

Advice on the after arrival period can be found on the UCD Global website.

How to apply for a Visa

Information on how to apply for your student visa can be found on (please ensure you read the ‘Student visa guidelines’ document on that same page before applying for your visa).

Students who are nationals of visa-required countries should also note that Ireland is not a member of the Schengen Agreement. Therefore students who have obtained a visa for a Schengen country will need to apply for a separate visa for Ireland.

All students are advised to carry proof of acceptance to UCD in their hand luggage. Immigration authorities may ask to see it upon arrival in Ireland.

Your first point for visa information should be the embassy with jurisdiction of your country or

Jola Meagher

Jola Meagher

International Students Liaison Officer

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