



Course Search

What will I learn?

Acquisition of applied theoretical research and the essential practical skills for a future career in financial services. Particular emphasis is placed upon the study of corporate finance and investment markets.

A wide-ranging curriculum develops and tests graduates comprehension of management principles, market operations and functions, and the risks inherent in investment management, enabling them to comprehend the entire management and strategic contexts in which financial decision-making is taken.

A firm grasp of financial processes and procedures as well as the knowledge and skills (both professional and personal) necessary for a career in financial services, from investment and commercial banks through to insurance companies and trading houses and stock brokerage.

In the summer term, a choice from a range of summer term modules, or a dedicated research project.

A limited Summer Internship Programme is also offered.

How will I benefit?

The programme has been carefully devised to challenge graduates on theoretical and practical levels via a wide-ranging curriculum that will provide them with the knowledge and skill set sought by recruiting companies from the industry.

  1. Recruitment: graduates go on to be recruited by such global companies as the Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Fidelity and most of the leading Irish finance houses including Davys, Goodbodys, Bank of Ireland, Irish Life .
  2. CFA Partner: due to the course comprising 70% of the requirements for the Chartered Financial Analyst qualification, graduates receive special recognition with the CFA Institute and benefit from a head start towards the internationally-recognised CFA qualification.
  3. Breadth and Depth of Curriculum: a wide-ranging curriculum develops and tests graduates’ comprehension of financial management principles, market operations and functions, and the risks inherent in investment management, enabling them to comprehend wide-ranging management and strategic contexts relating to financial decision-making necessary for a career in financial services.
  4. Global Student and Alumni Network: over 50% of the student body is international, presenting opportunities to work with peers globally and to participate in a global Alumni network.



The 1 year full-time and 2 year part-time formats of this course comprise core modules covering many aspects of financial management and capital markets.

In the autumn trimester, students complete 6 core modules.

In the spring trimester, students complete 4 core modules.

In the summer trimester, students complete 1 core module, plus one of three pathways (registration in March).

In a small number of cases, students may apply for a limited number of possible internships via a competitive recruitment process, including selection interviews with employers. 

Autumn Trimester Spring Trimester Summer Trimester

    Core modules:












    Core modules:













Core module

Ethics in Financial Services

plus one pathway (A, B or C):

Pathway A

Core module
Banking and Financial Institutions
plus 2 option modules from:

Pathway B

Core module
Banking and Financial Institutions
Summer Internship

Pathway C
Research Dissertation


Please be advised that the above reflects the 2024/2025 curriculum structure and is subject to change each year.  Option modules listed are indicative of what has been delivered in previous years and are also subject to change. Note that module descriptors are updated in advance of each academic term.

The MSc Finance programme is aimed at pre-experience graduate students with a background in economics, finance and business to prepare them for a career in the financial services industry. Notwithstanding a number of part-time students with industry experience also undertake the programme. The purpose of the
programme is to provide students with the knowledge and skills and confidence necessary to the pursuit and enhancement of a career in the global financial services industry, whether in investment banking, corporate finance stock brokerage and related fields (Purpose).

The educational values of the programme are to provide students with the knowledge and skills to: appreciate the range of capital markets, institutions and financing instruments that facilitate the funding of corporate investment activity; critically evaluate corporate financial information in order to make strategic  investment decisions; apply statistical analysis techniques to the valuation and management of portfolios of financial securities; evaluate and manage financial risk and return across portfolios of financial securities; and, incorporate an ethical imperative in financial decision making. The programme is externally accredited by the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA) (education and subject/discipline/professional values).

The learning environment consists of both theoretical and applied components. Lectures comprise a combination of theory and practice including case studies. Students engage in autonomous learning though individual assignments including literature reviews. Team work is also encouraged through presentations of data analysis and case studies. Students also have access to state of the art financial databases in a designated dataroom. An optional internship programme is also integrated into the programme (the nature of the learning environment for students). The programme uses a variety of teaching and learning methods such as lectures presentations, project work, group work, case studies and work placements.

Modules are presented mainly by academics and are also complemented by practitioners with significant industry experience who contribute to the design and delivery of the curriculum. Assessment strategies include traditional exams, case study presentations and written reports (key approaches to teaching, learning and assessment).

On successful completion of the programme students should be able to:

Programme Goals:

Programme Learning Outcomes:

Programme Goal 1: Our graduates will be current in their knowledge of the theory and practice of the financial services sector. 

Critically assess financial theories with respect to their relevance and application in the financial services industry.

Employ financial theory, statistical analysis and financial modelling in addressing financing challenges faced by investors and corporations.

Programme Goal 2: Our graduates will be effective communicators in current topics of corporate finance and risk management. 

Synthesise and summarise data, information and results from financial models and professionally communicate outcomes of the analysis & their recommendations to key stakeholders.

Select and use appropriate communication strategies (oral, written & visual) to communicate challenges in finance and to advance objectives to meet these challenges.

Programme Goal 3: Our graduates will be able to critically evaluate investment decisions by corporations in the context of wider industry and global economy.

Undertake and present a detailed analysis of a core industry value drivers in written and oral forms.

Utilise relevant financial, industry and economic information required as per project specification drawing on appropriate databases and literature.

Programme Goal 4: Our graduates will be able to comment critically on the organizational and governance context in which financial decision making is undertaken.

Demonstrate an understanding of diverse corporate governance and organizational structures.

Appreciate the impact of ethical considerations on individual and collective financial decision making.

Programme Goal 5: Our graduates will possess the ability to become effective team players as their career develops.  

Engage in collaborative learning by completing business projects and assignments in teams.


Global Leadership Programme (GLP)

Our optional Global Leadership Programme (GLP) offers you a unique opportunity to engage in a diverse range of co-curricular professional development activities alongside the modules you take on the Master's programme. Participation in the GLP can give you an advantage over similarly qualified job candidates and increase your readiness for success in the workplace.

Learn more about the programme here

Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the curriculum, students are engaged with issues related to sustainability in all of its many facets, including responsible leadership, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and inclusive business practices. As educators, we believe in the value of exposing our students to a variety of perspectives on the role of business in society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle even the most intractable problems. Our programmes seek to develop informed and imaginative leaders that are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices and embed a number of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the curriculum.

Discover our Rankings and Accreditations