



Course Search

What will I learn?

You will learn the skills, expertise and knowledge required to pursue a successful career in HRM and related fields. You will develop capabilities in a range of critical areas including performance management, talent development, sustainability, employment relations, strategic HRM, and change management.

This course prides itself on its a strong and unique focus and expertise in two areas:
International Human Resource Management and HR analytics.

Upon completion of the programme students will have developed:  

A capacity to interpret and critically assess the conceptual basis of employment relations and human resource management, plus the ability to apply such theories in practical contexts

The ability to develop and  display an understanding of the inter-relationships between human resource management, industrial relations and behavioural and human sciences

A grasp of the social, economic and political factors influencing HR management, its role within the national and international business environment and current developments within the profession

How will I benefit?


In the autumn trimester, students complete 2 core modules and 1 option module.

In the spring trimester, students choose 3 option modules.

In the summer trimester, students choose 3 option modules.


Autumn Trimester Spring Trimester Summer Trimester

Core modules

plus 1 option module from

Choose 3 option modules from

Choose 3 option modules from

Please be advised that the above reflects the 2024/2025 curriculum structure and is subject to change each year.  Option modules listed are indicative of what has been delivered in previous years and are also subject to change. Note that module descriptors are updated in advance of each academic term.


CIPD Core Curriculum

To qualify for CIPD membership students must complete specific CIPD-accredited modules. 

Autumn Trimester Spring Trimester Summer Trimester

Core CIPD modules

plus choose 1 core module from



Core CIPD modules

plus choose 1 core module from

Core CIPD module









The MSc Human Resource Management (HRM) offers students a research-led professional education which prepares them for careers in HRM, employee relations and related areas of management, consulting or representation.
We promote an evidence-based, critical, and reflective approach to the study of HRM and integrity in professional practice. We encourage our students to develop a capacity for critical engagement and an ethical and evidence-based approach to decision-making 

We aim to provide a learning environment that will foster independent thought and allow students to work independently and as part of a team. Students will engage in close dialogue with academic staff, their peers and practitioners, and will be encouraged to actively engage with academic debates, and professional priorities, developments and challenges.

The programme adopts a facilitative approach to teaching and self-directed learning is actively encouraged. The design and delivery of the curriculum incorporate varied models of teaching and assessment.

Programme Competency Goals

Programme Learning Outcomes

(Programme Directors to develop 1-3 programme learning outcomes that can be measured to demonstrate achievement of the programme competency goals)

Knowledge of the Global Context and Global Mindset

Our graduates will develop a critical awareness of global business issues, trends, and developments.


Demonstrate an integrated knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of HRM and employment relations.

Analyse how economic, political, social and cultural factors (locally, nationally and globally) impact HRM and employment relations.

Responsible Business Leaders

Our graduates will demonstrate an active awareness of ethical values and the responsibility of business in society.

Consider a range of needs and interests and have the capacity to make good evidence-based decisions which impact positively on work and working lives.

Contribute to the advancement of ethical HR practice and a reflective and credible HR profession.

Critical Thinking

Our graduates will develop critical thinking skills by analysing, evaluating, and synthesising information.

Demonstrate a capacity for evidence-based, critical enquiry and original thinking.

Identify, synthesise and critically evaluate developments and challenges for HRM and employment relations.

Communication and Collaboration Skills in Diverse Environments

Our graduates will develop the communication and collaboration skills needed to work effectively individually and with others.


Synthesise data and information and clearly communicate the outcomes of their analysis and recommendations to a diverse range of stakeholders.

Select and effectively utilise communication mechanisms which are appropriate to the context within which they are operating.

Global Leadership Programme (GLP)

Our optional Global Leadership Programme (GLP) offers you a unique opportunity to engage in a diverse range of co-curricular professional development activities alongside the modules you take on the Master's programme. Participation in the GLP can give you an advantage over similarly qualified job candidates and increase your readiness for success in the workplace.

Learn more about the programme here

Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the curriculum, students are engaged with issues related to sustainability in all of its many facets, including responsible leadership, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and inclusive business practices. As educators, we believe in the value of exposing our students to a variety of perspectives on the role of business in society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle even the most intractable problems. Our programmes seek to develop informed and imaginative leaders that are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices and embed a number of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the curriculum.

Discover our Rankings and Accreditations