



Course Search

What will I learn?

The course offers both a solid academic grounding in the concepts and practices of Supply Chain Management and direct contact with the experience and expertise of professionals from the field.

A 360-degree view of the profession, from supplier development and management, through to innovation generation and customer relationship management, all seen through the lens of sustainability.

The skills and techniques required to succeed and foster change in the industry, including strategy, management, leadership, critical thinking, negotiation and organisation.

Market-relevant experience and know-how via a consulting project conducted with leading organisations at the forefront of Sustainable Supply Chain Management innovation.

How will I benefit?

  1. The course has been structured to ensure that students simultaneously learn the theories and practices integral to the profession whilst also boosting their suitability for recruitment by the very companies that employ supply chain management techniques.
  2. The combination of cutting-edge theory and knowledge dispensed by leading academics in the field and real experience of supply chain issues via corporate involvement in the course.
  3. Opportunities for students to showcase their knowledge and employability are boosted by the dedicated supply chain careers fair held during the course.
  4. Diverse, international job opportunities with multinational firms from a variety of countries and industries, including Deloitte, Eyeon, Accenture, Apple, Meta and Zara.


Whether taking the course on a full-time basis or part-time via classes during the working day, students complete a wide-ranging combination of core and option modules (registration in March), and a Sustainable Supply Chain Project in the summer trimester.

Conducted over the summer term in groups of students, and supervised by leading researchers and organisations, the Sustainable Supply Chain Project offers the ultimate bridge between classroom-based learning and the realities of sustainable supply chain management in practice. 

Autumn Trimester

Spring Trimester

Summer Trimester

Core modules







Core modules






Core module

Sustainable Supply Chain Project

plus 1 option module from:

Please be advised that the above reflects the 2024/2025 curriculum structure and is subject to change each year.  Option modules listed are indicative of what has been delivered in previous years and are also subject to change. Note that module descriptors are updated in advance of each academic term.


To be known as a programme that creates a sustainable global society through transformational supply chain managers.

About the programme

The MSc in Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a comprehensive programme that helps students gain the knowledge, theory, and skills behind the management of resources, relationships, suppliers, and customers across business networks.  We strive to graduate informed, agile, critical thinkers and doers.  Our graduates will possess cutting-edge knowledge in the field of SCM and operations (education and subject/discipline/professional values).  We aim to provide a learning environment that encourages students to deeply engage with the material covered in each module and to actively draw on the collective experiences of their fellow students.  

We value interactive and collaborative learning and a diverse and engaged classroom.   Seminars, workshops and application-based activities are key elements in the programme’s design (the nature of the learning environment for students).  In addition to lectures and workshops, students work individually and in small groups on projects, case studies, simulations and class presentations.  Students will gain market-relevant experience and the benefit of professional know-how via a consulting project conducted with a leading MNC.  Assessment is through a blend of continuous assessment and end-of-semester examinations. Continuous assessment includes both individual and group work (key approaches to teaching, learning and assessment).

Prospective students from all disciplines targeting the SCM profession can apply to take this programme, especially those with a background in business, social science, economics, and engineering.  The programme will provide students with a 360-degree view of the profession, from supplier development and management to innovation generation, customer relationship management and sustainability.  

The programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, the UK professional body for purchasing and supply (Purpose).  


AMBITION: Humans need to produce and consume responsibly so that life on Earth can flourish. We strive to inspire our students to be ethical, responsible, and sustainable supply chain managers.

CREATIVITY: Business as usual is not sustainable. We develop the essential competencies and technical skills our students need so that they can overcome society’s grand challenges and achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

EXCELLENCE: A new mindset and standards are required for sustainable transformation. We bring cutting-edge research and practitioners into teaching so that our students are enabled to reflect, learn, improve, and innovate to create a better and more sustainable future.

INTEGRITY: Sustainability calls for ethical considerations of the impact of production and consumption decisions on the environment, society and future generations. We create an environment where students learn to develop positive professional relationships.

COMMUNITY: Living sustainably requires shared responsibility and collective action. We are more when we work together.

Knowledge of the Global Context and Global Mindset:

Our graduates will be knowledgeable global business practitioners able to draw on an international learning experience.

Understand and apply current theory and practice to manage global supply chains sustainably to build a better future for all.

Discipline-relevant Knowledge and Skills:

Our graduates will demonstrate critical thinking and independent reasoning skills in situations of decision-making and problem-solving, as supported by the appropriate use of analytical, qualitative and quantitative techniques.

Inform business decision-making processes using qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques.

Responsible Business Leaders:

Our graduates will be informed and imaginative future global business leaders who are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices.

Position and equip future professionals to respond to and drive an organisation’s sustainability agenda responsibly and ethically.

Critical Thinking:

Our graduates will be open to alternative perspectives to problem-solving and be equipped to generate creative solutions.

Demonstrate the competencies needed to synthesise and evaluate diverse perspectives to inform decision-making.

Communication and Collaboration Skills in Diverse Environments:

Our graduates will engage with diverse perspectives and communicate persuasively and professionally in collaborative settings.

Communicate persuasively and professionally across diverse environments.

Demonstrate the capability and capacity to work collaboratively.


Global Leadership Programme (GLP)

Our optional Global Leadership Programme (GLP) offers you a unique opportunity to engage in a diverse range of co-curricular professional development activities alongside the modules you take on the Master's programme. Participation in the GLP can give you an advantage over similarly qualified job candidates and increase your readiness for success in the workplace.

Learn more about the programme here

Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the curriculum, students are engaged with issues related to sustainability in all of its many facets, including responsible leadership, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and inclusive business practices. As educators, we believe in the value of exposing our students to a variety of perspectives on the role of business in society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle even the most intractable problems. Our programmes seek to develop informed and imaginative leaders that are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices and embed a number of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the curriculum.

Discover our Rankings and Accreditations