Drawn from diverse disciplinary and professional backgrounds and from a number of countries, we are among the leading European and Irish scholars in the field of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations. Members of the group contribute to teaching, research and policy development in areas including HRM in Irish and multinational organisations; HRM in the platform economy, algorithmic HRM and gig work; HR analytics and HR technology; HRM and sustainability; HRM and employment relations in global supply chains; Care and the workplace; Gender equality, diversity and inclusion; Job quality, voice and wellbeing; Workplace conflict and resolution; and Employment Relations in Europe.

Through our undergraduate programmes and postgraduate taught programmes we facilitate the development of critical thinking and professional skills and offer a research-led education to students wishing to pursue a career in HRM and employment relations. Our MSc HRM programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the leading professional body for HR managers. On the international stage, the group is networked through its association with the world-leading universities and institutions. We are especially proud of our strong links with Cornell University New York through our exchange programme with the Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) School, and through participation in the European Master’s in Labour Studies Programme with leading European universities that include Milan, Amsterdam, Louvain-La-Neuve, the London School of Economics, Warwick Business School and a range of leading institutions.

Our Faculty

Mr. Jonathan Benner

Email: johnnie.benner@gmail.com

 A graduate of Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin, Johnnie Benner is a senior HR practitioner with over 25 years’ experience across the high-tech and financial services industries, 20 of which have been in management roles, most recently taking Directorship responsibility for the design and delivery of HR services to over 300 employees across 6 geographies. Johnnie teaches on graduate, post-graduate and MBA programmes.

Dr. Pauline Grace

Email: paulinemgrace@gmail.com

Pauline Grace is a graduate of UCD and the University of Oxford, her area of interest is Employee Reward, in particular pay systems which seek to link remuneration to employee performance.  She teaches the HRM40730 Module in the Smurfit School of Business.  This module, Reward Management, examines critical areas of reward management from both a theoretical and a practice perspective.  It also considers the links between the reward, HR and overall business strategies and the consequences of choices made in one or other of these areas.


Mr. Cathal McGreal

Email: cathalmcgrealbl@gmail.com

Cathal McGreal BL is a graduate of UCD and the Honourable Society of Kings Inns with post graduate work in labour law and human rights (B.L. B.C.L. (Eurolegal) 1998). He is a practising barrister in many areas of practise but specialising in criminal law and employment law. He is a published author in both fields. He has represented public and private sector (individual and corporate) clients at every level of the courts and tribunal system. He teaches the HRM40630 Module in the Smurfit School of Business and also lectures widely on the conference circuit on current law and practice. 


Mr Martin Farrelly

Email:  mfaassoc@gmail.com

Martin Farrelly FCIPD is a Human Resource Consultant who provides leadership and direction to clients who face strategic and organisational challenges. A trusted advisor with 30+ years experience in the Human Resource function he is interested in maximising organisation performance through people. He is a graduate of UCD, the National College of Industrial Relations and TCD. Previously Martin taught in the IMI and has been an invited speaker at International conferences. Martin is the Module Coordinator for HRM40280 on the EMBA. 


Ms Isobel Butler

Email: butlerisobel@gmail.com

Isobel Butler is an Organisational Psychologist who has twenty five years’ experience as an independent facilitator and trainer working with a broad range of organisations across the public, private, not for profit and commercial semi state sectors. She has provided a range of alternative dispute resolution methods including mediation, facilitation and joint problem solving skills to help organisations and their employees manage the conflict situations that have arisen in their workplaces. She has also undertaken investigations of conflict situations at the joint request of unions and management.  Since 1997 Isobel has been an Associate Lecturer with the Open University teaching psychology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and for 12 years was a part –time Adjunct Lecture in DCU delivering a module on Work Organisation for the MBS in Safety and Health at Work. Isobel has taught on the Managing Conflict in Organisations Module on the MSc in HRM since 2018.


Ms Louisa Meehan

Email:  louisa.meehan@ucd.ie


Louisa Meehan MCIPD is a HR Professional with a proven track record in providing Human Resource support to leaders regarding their employment issues. She provides support in the areas of HR, Employment law, Recruitment, Contracts of Employment, Disciplinary and Grievance, Dismissal, Performance Management, Appraisal, Absence management, Redundancy Management, Training and Development. As someone who sees first-hand the impact of workplace disputes on all participates Louisa has also become a certified mediator with the Mediators Institute of Ireland and specialises in the area of Workplace Mediation and Conflict Resolution. In this regard she has carried out research into the field of mediation in Ireland with the KIWMRG.

Louisa is a supporter of professional women and female entrepreneurship and to this end has been involved with Network Ireland for some years, she is the National President of Network Ireland for 2020.


      Phd Thesis Title


Mary Naughton 

Protest in response to the commodification of healthcare in the era of European new economic governance

Professor Roland Erne

Constanza Galanti

Struggling for care in the European Union. Workers and unions in and between Italy and Romania

Professor Roland Erne

David Walsh

Decision Making Factors And Influences On Trade Union Leaders

Professor Roland Erne

Sid McDonnell

Experiencing HRM: Do workplace wellbeing programs solve the mutual-gains / conflicting-outcomes dilemma? 

Professor Anne Keegan  

Dhuha Al-Mujadedi

Financialisation & HRM

Dr Colm McLaughlin

Loredana Dreptate

An examination of the shifting contours of employee voice in the Irish banking sector: A case analysis from the period of economic buoyancy, to financial crisis through to economic recovery

Professor John Geary

Name Area of Interest

Imre Szabo

Trade unions and social movements in public services, the EU's New Economic Governance, politics of water provision, collective bargaining

Darragh Golden

The EU's New Economic Governance (NEG) regime and the implications for the transport sector, specifically, but also labour politics more broadly.


Area of interest

Roberta Aguzzoli

Roberta’s research interests include international business, international and comparative employment policies and practices, human resource practices in multinational companies mainly from developing economies

Suzanne Carthy

Suzanne’s ongoing research and publication interests include diversity and inclusion in management.

Julius Nyawung

Julius’s research interests include institutionalism, political economy, talent management, innovation and comparative HRM

Ilona Hunek

Ilona’s research interests include globalization, institutional environment of business, negotiation, international negotiation, sociology of organizations, internationalisation of companies, international management, human resource management

Treasa Kenny

Treasa’s research interests include working collaboratively with both academics and practitioners in the fields of mediation, conflict intervention and negotiation

Darragh Golden

Darragh focuses on the EU's new economic governance regime and the implications for the transport sector, specifically, but also labour politics more broadly. Subsequent to a postgraduate scholarship from the IRC, Darragh was awarded an international scholarship from the Norwegian research council to work on Globalisation and the Possibility of Transnational Actors at the Centre of Advanced Studies, Oslo. 

Bianca Foehrer

A previous IRC postgraduate scholar, Bianca received her PhD in Industrial Relations and Human Resources from UCD in 2016. Driven by her main professional background in procurement and recruitment, she has decided to leave academia and remain yet connected to research in the role of Project Manager. Bianca is responsible for data management and dissemination, event organisation, human resources, procurement, and other research support.

Vincenzo Maccarrone 

From February 2023, Vincenzo is continuing his postdoctoral career as a Global Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence) and Cornell University (New York)


Our Research

  • Belizón, M.J. and Kieran, S., 2022. Human resources analytics: A legitimacy process. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), pp.603-630. Learn more
  • Erne, R. and Nowak, J. (2022) 'Structural determinants of transnational solidarity. Explaining the rise in socioeconomic protests across European borders since 1997'. Working Paper No. 11, ERC Project 'European Unions', University College Dublin. Learn more
  • Lafferty A, Phillips D, Dowling-Hetherington L, Fahy M, Moloney B, Duffy C, Paul G, Fealy G, Kroll T (2022): ‘Colliding worlds: Family carers experiences of balancing work and care in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic’, Health and Social Care in the Community. Learn more
  • Geary, J.F. (2022) ‘Securing collective representation in non-union European multinational companies: The case of Ryanair pilots’ (partial) success. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60, 635– 661. Learn more
  • Keegan, A. & Meijerink, J. (2022). Dynamism and realignment in the HR architecture: Online labor platform ecosystems and the key role of contractors. Human Resource Management. Online First. Learn more
  • Colfer, B., Harney, B., McLaughlin, C. and Wright, C.F. (2023) Protecting the Future of Work: New Institutional Arrangements for Safeguarding Labour Standards. Emerald Publishing:Bingley. Learn more
  • Roche, W.K. (2022) ‘How Effective is Private Dispute Resolution? Evidence from Ireland’, Industrial Law Journal. Learn more
  • Thomas, H. & Anner, M. (2022) ‘Dissensus and Deadlock in the Evolution of Labour Governance: Global Supply Chains and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’ Journal of Business Ethics. EPub ahead of print. Learn more
  • Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Ryanair pilots: Unlikely pioneers of transnational collective action', European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28 (4): 451-469. Learn more
  • Phillips D, Duffy C, Fahy M, Dowling-Hetherington L, Paul G, Moloney B, Fealy G, Kroll T, Lafferty.A.(2022): ‘Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic for working carers across the EU: Work, policy and gender considerations’, International Journal of Care and Caring.
  • Geary, J., & Nyiawung, J. (2022). ‘The impact of Chinese investments on western multinational enterprises’ work and employment practices: A consideration of institutional, political and dominance effects. Human Relations, 75(5), 842- 870. Learn more
  • Fu, N., Keegan, A. & McCartney, S. (2022) The Duality of HR Analysts’ Storytelling: Showcasing and Curbing. Human Resource Management Journal. Online First. Learn more
  • Wright, C.F. and McLaughlin, C. (2021) ‘Trade union legitimacy and legitimation politics in Australia and New Zealand’, Industrial Relations, 60(3): 338-369. Learn more
  • Roche, W.K. (2022), ‘Extending the Boundaries of ADR: Private Dispute Resolution in Irish Industrial Relations’ Economic and Industrial Democracy, OnlineFirst: Learn more
  • Thomas, H. (2021) “A ‘Decent Cuppa’: Worker Power and Consumer Power in the Sri Lankan Tea Sector”. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(1): 114-138. Learn more
  • Jordan, J., Maccarrone, V. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Towards a Socialisation of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU labour policy interventions in Germany, Italy, Ireland and Romania (2009-2019)', British Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (1): 191-213. Full text. Learn more
  • Philips,D. Paul,G, Fahy, M, Dowling-Hetherington L., Kroll, T., Moloney, B. Fealy, G., Lafferty, A. (2020): ‘The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family Carers at the frontline’, HRB Open Research. Learn more
  • Geary, J., & Signoretti, A. (2022). ‘The role of socio-economic embeddedness in promoting cooperation in the workplace: Evidence from family-owned Italian firms. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(4), 1867–1890. Learn more
  • Brandl, J., Keegan, A. & Kozica, A. (2021). When less is more: HRM implementation, legitimacy and decoupling. Human Resource Management Journal. doi:10.1111/1748-8583.12388
    Roche, W.K. (2021), ‘The Genesis of Private Dispute Resolution in Irish Industrial Relations’, Industrial Relations Journal, 52(1): 82-106. Learn more
  • Thomas, H. & Turnbull, P. (2021) “Navigating the Perilous Waters of Partisan Scholarship: Participatory Action Research (PAR) with the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)”. Work, Employment and Society . EPub ahead of print. Learn more
  • Stan, S., Erne, R. and Gannon, S. (2021) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east-west mobility, and the failed promise of European social integration', Journal of European Social Policy 31 (4): 409-423. Learn more
  • Lafferty A, Phillips D, Dowling-Hetherington L, Fahy M, Moloney B, Duffy C, Paul G, Fealy G, Kroll T (2022): Making it work: a qualitative study of the work-care reconciliation strategies adopted by family carers in Ireland to sustain their caring role’, Community, Work and Family. Learn more
  • Meijerink, J., Keegan, A. & Bondarouk, T. (2021). Having their cake and eating it too? Online labor platforms, human resource management and gig worker control as a case of institutional complexity. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Learn more
  • Roche, W.K. with Kochan, T. (2021) ’The Changing World of Work and Employment: Interview with Tom Kochan’, Irish Journal of Management, 40(1): 1-8.
  • Roche, W.K. and O’Riordan, J. (2020), ‘The Reform of Human Resource Management in the Irish Public Service, Administration, 68(4): 97-120.
  • Thomas, H. & Turnbull, P. (2021) “From a ‘Moral Commentator’ to a ‘Determined Actor’? How the International Labour Organization (ILO) Orchestrates the Field of International Industrial Relations”. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(3): 874-98. Learn more


  1. Nowak, J. and R. Erne. 2024. ‘Unions and Politics’. In: G. Gall (ed.) The Handbook of Labour Unions, Agenda Publishing.  https://www.agendapub.com/page/detail/the-handbook-of-labour-unions/?k=9781788215510
  2. Maccarrone, V., R. Erne and D. Golden 2023. ‘The European Union. A Significant Player in Labour Policymaking. In: D. Clegg and N. Durazzi (eds.) Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies. Edward Elgar, 219 https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800880887.00024
  3. Erne, R. 2023. ‘Interest Groups’. In: D. Caramani (ed.) Comparative Politics, 6th Oxford University Press, 277–293. APSA.
  4. Maccarrone, V. and R. Erne 2023. ‘Ireland: Trade unions recovering after being tipped off balance by the Great Recession?’ In: T. Müller, K. Vandaele and J. Waddington (eds.) Trade Unions in the European Union: Picking up the pieces from the neoliberal challenge. Peter Lang, 585–624. https://www.peterlang.com/document/1303070. APSA
  5. Erne, R. 2023. Associazioni di interessi’. In: D. Caramani (ed.) Scienza Politica, 3rd Egea. 191-218.

UCD Business Impact Podcast - Mind the Gap: Gender equality and pay

Professor Colm McLaughlin | Employment Relations

7th June 2022. Professor of Employment Relations Colm McLaughlin has recently taken on the role of VP of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at UCD College of Business. He talks about the importance of bringing transparency to gender pay issues and on finding out who is paid what—and why.


UCD Business Impact Podcast - The Gig is Up

Professor Anne Keegan | Gig Economy

22nd June 2021. Professor of Human Resource Management Anne Keegan delves into the secret world of the gig economy and discusses changes on the horizon to make work more fair in this growing sector.


Faculty Insights Video

The Faculty Insights Series is a series of faculty interviews designed to keep you informed of latest research and thinking across a wide range of business disciplines.  In this interview, Professor Bill Roche discusses his publication entitled 'Conflict Management in Organizations'.

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Conversations in HR & Employment Relations

In this video, Professor John Geary interviews Professor Sarosh Kuruvilla of the ILR School of Cornell University about his research on global supply chains and sustainable labour standards. Professor Kuruvilla is an internationally-renowned scholar whose work has appeared in leading scholarly journals internationally. His research has informed government policy in a number of Asian countries.

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Athena Swan
Financial Times
The Economist