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What will I learn?

This technically-oriented course hones quantitative and computer techniques to assist students in exploring management issues and supporting decision-making within a business context

Exposure to and practice of the latest cutting-edge qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques used in the fast-growing field of analytics as applied in business

Development of the necessary computer software skills and an understanding of the theory and practice of applied information systems, as required in consultancy and business

The ability to develop new software solutions and implement mathematical and quantitative techniques in order to make effective business decisions and boost performance

How will I benefit?

  1. Students will not only be provided with vital business analysis tools but also given the chance to apply them by engaging with leading companies over the duration of the course, raising their employability in the eyes of recruiters.
  2. Access to current research into all aspects of analytics, data science, decision-making and management science, including Descriptive/Predictive/Prescriptive analytics, Project Management, Simulation, Multi-criteria Decision Making and Spatial Decision Support Systems.
  3. A thorough grounding in a science employed within a wide range of organisations and industries, including banks, management consultancies, the public sector and the engineering industry.
  4. Successful completion of the course has seen many graduates go on to work for such companies as EY, Deloitte, PwC, Meta, Accenture, Goldman Sachs, IBM and Intel.
  5. Prestige: the UCD Smurfit MSc in Business Analytics is ranked in the Global Top 40 by QS.


This 12-month, full-time course covers a broad range of disciplines and skill sets structured as follows.

In both the autumn and spring trimesters, students complete 4 core modules. 

In the summer trimester, students complete 1 core module plus 2 option modules (registration in March). 

Autumn Trimester Spring Trimester Summer Trimester

Core Modules



Core Modules



Core Module

Plus choose 2 option modules:

Please be advised that the above reflects the 2024/2025 curriculum structure and is subject to change each year.  Option modules listed are indicative of what has been delivered in previous years and are also subject to change. Note that module descriptors are updated in advance of each academic term.

The MSc Business Analytics programme gives students a thorough theoretical and practical business analytics education: qualitative, quantitative, computational, and data-oriented analytics techniques, and how these techniques add value and fit into business practice. It aims to give graduates the skills to work in analytics roles in business and progress quickly to leadership positions (Purpose).

A central part of the programme's vision is that analytics methods promise improved insight, decision-making, and outcomes in industry, business, and the public and non-profit sectors. The programme aims to give students both the technical and soft knowledge and skills required to deliver on this promise (education and subject/discipline/professional values). Faculty aim to provide transformational learning, to create a growth mindset in students, and to create an environment in which students are empowered to question and discuss. UCD Smurfit provides high-quality supports and facilities. Students experience a diverse environment (age, gender, nationality, background), both within their class and between the full-time and part-time classes (the nature of the learning environment for students).

The programme is based on: (1) core taught content (foundations and applications); (2) taught specialisations; and (3) independent research work. Content is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical sessions, online and autonomous learning, with a major independent supervised real-world business analytics project. Assessment is through a blend of continuous assessment and end-of-year exams. Continuous assessment includes both individual and group work, and both formative and summative assessment. There is also a blend of technical/quantitative deliverables and written/discursive deliverables (key approaches to teaching, learning and assessment).

On successful completion of the programme students should be able to:

Programme Goals:

Programme Learning Outcomes:

Programme Goal 1: Informed Thinkers: Our graduates will be knowledgeable in the field of business analytic supported by a strong research foundation, thought leadership, and richly varied learning experiences.

Use descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics methods to achieve understanding, prediction, and optimisation in the context of business based on deep knowledge of qualitative, quantitative, computational and data-oriented analytics.

Carry out business analytics projects from beginning to end, including: stakeholder consultation, business analysis and collaborative refinement from ill-defined to well-defined problems; data gathering and processing; core analytics methods; and professional-quality communication of results.

Programme Goal 2: Critical and Analytical Judgement: Our graduates will have developed their analytical competence, reflective capacity and critical thinking, enabling them to apply judgement, to act with integrity and to work with others to make sound, socially responsible decisions.

Map from any analytical business problem to an appropriate analytics approach to solving it, and be capable of explaining its advantages and limitations.

Understand the decision-making process in business its trade-offs and limitations and how analytics methods fit into it.

Programme Goal 3: Agility and a Development Mind set: Our graduates will understand and continually work on their capacitive including communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

Stay informed concerning cutting-edge analytical methods through reading appropriate literature and learning new tools and techniques on an ongoing basis.

Work with client management, and peers; take account of and take advantage of differing strengths and styles within analytics teams and among other stakeholders in analytics projects; translate between the technical language of analytics and language appropriate to clients and management.

Programme Goal 4: Ambition for Action and Contribution: Our graduates will be able to talk about, apply and act upon what they know and have the ambition and courage to collaborate, solve problems and contribute to business and society.

Understand and explain the range of situation within business and in the wider world of public sector and non-profit organisations where analytical methods can add value.


Global Leadership Programme (GLP)

Our optional Global Leadership Programme (GLP) offers you a unique opportunity to engage in a diverse range of co-curricular professional development activities alongside the modules you take on the Master's programme. Participation in the GLP can give you an advantage over similarly qualified job candidates and increase your readiness for success in the workplace.

Learn more about the programme here

Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the curriculum, students are engaged with issues related to sustainability in all of its many facets, including responsible leadership, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and inclusive business practices. As educators, we believe in the value of exposing our students to a variety of perspectives on the role of business in society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle even the most intractable problems. Our programmes seek to develop informed and imaginative leaders that are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices and embed a number of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the curriculum.

Discover our Rankings and Accreditations