The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business is pleased to list the following individuals as graduates of our PhD Programme. Remaining true to our core objective, all have made substantial and original contributions to knowledge, literature and science in their fields.

Our PhD Graduates



Student Name PhD Thesis title Subject Area Supervisor
Margaret Cullen Towards a theory of the role and effectiveness of boards of directors in investment fund governance Accounting Professor Niamh Brennan
Neil Dunne

A decade of scrutiny: Mobilizing Goffman to study the Big Four’s institutional logics, impression management and strategic framing

Accounting Professor Niamh Brennan
Karen Ann Dwyer 

Auditor planning judgements: Audit materiality thresholds and auditor risk assessments in expanded audit reports

Accounting Professor Niamh Brennan
Maureen Flynn  The Practice of Accountability for “Clinical Governance”: A Life-and-Death Setting Accounting Professor Niamh Brennan
Collette Kirwan Role conflict and non-executive directors on boards of unlisted family firms Accounting Professor Niamh Brennan
Orla Lenihan A Study of CEO Bonus Plans: Performance Measures, Target Difficulty, and Non-GAAP Reporting Practices Accounting  Professor Niamh Brennan 
Maria Scanlon

Evolution of auditor-client negotiations from the initial audit tender to subsequent audit cycles: A qualitative study of (non)cooperativeness

Accounting  Professor Niamh Brennan 
Emer Hunt 

The Legal System as a Black Box: a Systems Theoretical Approach to the State Aid Enforcement Action taken by the European Commission in relation to Tax Rulings.

Accounting Dr Gerardine Doyle
Kate Cullen Investigating non-professional investors' susceptibility to impression management in earnings press releases: A mixed methods study Accounting Professor Ciaran O’hOgartaigh & Professor Aileen Pierce
Jiawei Qian Property-Casualty Insurers Loss Reserving Behaviours, Incentives, and Institutional Factor Accounting  Professor Eamonn Walsh 
Liang Xu Accounting quality and the design of syndicated loans Accounting Professor Eamonn Walsh
Deven Bathia Asset Pricing implications of investor sentiment Banking & Finance Professor Don Bredin
Martina Assereto 

Evaluating and mitigating the financial risks of renewable energy integration systems: a real options approach

Banking & Finance Dr Julie Byrne
Xuanyu Yue

Essays on Corporate Environmental Performance and Aviation-related Carbon Emissions

Banking & Finance Dr Julie Byrne
Min Cao Risk Management in Aviation Finance Banking & Finance Professor Tom Conlon
Ioannis Ropotos Essays in international finance Banking & Finance Professor Tom Conlon & Professor John Cotter 
 Fiona Hickey The impact of ownership structure and the performance and risk exposure of European banks during the financial crisis. Banking & Finance  Professor Tom Conlon & Dr Cormac MacFhionnlaoich
Emmanuel Eyiah-Donkor Essays on Return Predictability and Portfolio ChoiceÈ  Banking & Finance  Professor John Cotter 
Chenglu Jin  Essays on Asset Pricing and the Horizon Effect Banking & Finance Professor John Cotter & Professor Thomas Conlon 
Yan Ping Zhong Validating Risk Measurement Models for Market Risk Management Banking & Finance Professor John Cotter
Niall McGeever  Essays in International Finance and Asset Pricing Banking & Finance  Professor John Cotter 
Jing Dang The Static Approximation to Dynamic Asset Allocation - A Stochastic Programming Approach Banking & Finance Dr David Edelman
Ekaterina Goryagina Investing with Minimal Regret  Banking & Finance Dr David Edelman
Fabiola Schneider  Essays on Climate Transition Accounting and Finance Banking & Finance  Professor Andreas Hoepner
Yumeng Gao  Essays on Sustainable Finance across Asset Classes: Empirical Evidence from China and the US Banking & Finance  Professor Andreas Hoepner
Min Ye  Foreign Exchange Exposure and Exchange Rate Regimes: The Case of Emerging Market Firms Banking & Finance  Dr Elaine Hutson 
Shivam Agarwal  Essays on Regulatory Risk in Financial Institutions Banking & Finance  Professor Cal Muckley
Parvati Neelakantan Essays in Environmental and AI Finance Banking & Finance  Professor Cal Muckley
Patrick Shallow Empirical Measurement and Analysis of Retail Credit Risk Banking & Finance Professor Louis Murray
Michael Sheehan - MPhil Application Software Risk and Returns 2009 - 2019 Banking & Finance Professor Louis Murray
Brian Healy  Are cross sectional differences in ex-dividend day abnormal returns priced by the options markets?  Banking & Finance  Dr Conall O'Sullivan  
Yan Wang Effective Spanning with Options Banking & Finance  Dr Conall O'Sullivan 
Wael Almaquoshi  Audit Committee Indices: Applications in Financial Reporting Quality and Merger & Acquisition Outcomes Banking & Finance  Professor Ronan Powell
Huong Tran Essays on R&D Collaboration, Innovation, Competition, and Mergers & Acquisitions Banking & Finance   Professor Ronan Powell
Yang Zhao  Essays on Information Asymmetry and Corporate Restructurings Banking & Finance   Professor Ronan Powell
Bianca Föhrer Collaboration through Education? Transnational Competence and Trade Unions’ Cross-Border Commitment Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor Roland Erne
Costanza Galanti Struggling for care in the European Union. Workers and unions in and between Italy and Romania Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor Roland Erne
Darragh Golden Bridging National and Diverging Socio-Economic Interests :Transnational Labour Migration, Industrial Relations and the European Integration Process Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor Roland Erne
Vincenzo Maccarrone Common pressure and uneven trajectories. The commodifying impact of the European Union’s new economic governance regime on Irish and Italian industrial relations Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor Roland Erne
Mary Naughton 

Protest in response to the commodification of healthcare in the era of the European Union’s new economic governance regime

Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor Roland Erne
Loredana Dreptate An examination of the shifting contours of employee voice in the Irish banking sector: A case analysis from the period of economic buoyancy, to financial crisis through to economic recovery Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor John Geary
Ilona Hunek Accounting for the Employment and HR Practices of Foreign-owned Banks in Poland under Transition Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor John Geary
Julius Nyiawung  

The Influence of Shifting Geopolitics, Power Relations and Informal Institutions on the Management of Employment Relations Practices in Multinational Companies in a Developing Economy: The Case of Cameroon’s Oil Industry

Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Professor John Geary
Suzanne Carthy Inequality regimes and long hours: A mixed methods analysis of gender inequality in the solicitors' profession in Ireland. Human Resource Management & Employment Relations  Associate Professor Colm McLaughlin 
Treasa Kenny  Workplace Mediators in Ireland: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study Human Resource Management & Employment Relations  Professor Bill Roche 
Benjamin Siedler

Examining Processes of Moral Dissociation: A Study of the Financial Market

Management  Professor Rashedur Chowdhury
Yanan Lin  Perceived External Prestige and Employee Commitment in Chinese Hospitals Management  Professor Rosa Chun
Roberto Chavez Clavijo 

Supply Chain Management Practices, Supply Chain Management Performance, Business Performance and Industry Clockspeed: A Path Analytical Model

Management  Professor Brian Fynes
Ali Nazarpour The Impact of Mass Customisation Capability on Operational Performance Management Professor Brian Fynes
George Onofrei Manufacturing Practices and Factory Fitness: A Swift Even Flow Perspective Management Professor Brian Fynes
Antonio Vico Garcon Organisational Learning and R&D Performance Management Professor Patrick Gibbons
Cubie Lau An Exploratory Study of Environmental Strategies in China Management Professor Patrick Gibbons
Ruifang Wang Middle Managers' Ambidexterity: Exploring Individual Level Antecedents Management Professor Patrick Gibbons
Phil Halligan Transformational Leadership in a Professional Practice Environment: Exploratory Study in an Acute Healthcare Setting Management Professor Aidan Kelly
Olga Ryazanova Drivers of Occupational Human Capital: Identifying and Developing Research Productivity in the Globalized Business School Industry Management Dr Peter McNamara
Kevin Walsh  Influence of prior employers and capital within entrepreneurial ecosystems Management  Dr Rory O'Shea
Michail (Michalis) Louis A dynamic risk sensing capability: a qualitative study in the context of sustainable supply chain management Management  Professor Mark Pagell 
Eric Clinton Strategic Entrepreneurship in Multi-Generational Family Firms : A Resource Management Perspective Management Professor Frank Roche
Nicola Mountford

Off the fence and onto the field:  Roles, rules, and relationships in the re-organisation of healthcare

Marketing Professor Susi Geiger
Ruiqi Wei 

The Management and Governance of Digital Platforms in Business-to-Business Markets

Marketing Professor Susi Geiger
Gillian Moran  More than Words: How Content Marketing Strategy Influences Customer Brand Engagement Marketing  Dr Laurent Muzzellec & Professor Mary Lambkin
Valerie Gannon  Beauty Blogging & You-tubing Practices : Negotiating Authenticity  Marketing Professor Andrea Prothero
Charity Delmus Alupo (MPhil)

Applied Machine Learning, Renewable Energy, Developing World

Management Information Systems Associate Professor Paula Carroll 
Samir Mirdad

Inventory optimisation for telecommunications network support

Management Information Systems Professor Michael MacDonnell
Michael Phelan Evolving multi-echelon supply chain inventory and ordering policies using biologically inspired grammar based meta-heuristics Management Information Systems Dr Sean McGarraghy
Paula Carroll The Ring Spur Assignment Problem Management Information Systems Dr Sean McGarraghy
Stefano Mauceri 

Representations for One-Class Time Series Classification

Management Information Systems Dr Miguel Nicalou
Nam Le Hai 

The Interplay between Evolution and Learning in Dynamic Environments: Computational Metaphor of Adaptive Algorithms

Management Information Systems Professor Michael O'Neill
Stefan Forstenlechner  Program Synthesis with Grammars and Semantics in Genetic Programming Management Information Systems Professor Michael O'Neill


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