Shining a light into the black box

Professor Cal Muckley talks to the Irish Times on how Algorithmic or ‘coder’ bias can give rise to prejudiced AI-informed decisions and, thus, to unfairness.

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Powering new discoveries: How AI is helping researchers

Dr Mark Connor, Assistant Professor, discusses how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed into a powerful tool in the research domain, significantly enhancing search and discovery capabilities.

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The computer ate my homework

Associate Professor Alessia Paccagnini believes academics need to embrace generative artificial intelligence (GenAi) technology and incorporate it into curriculums but is also keenly aware of the challenges it presents.

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Researchers warn of corporate 'greenwashing epidemic'

Asst. Professor Fabiola Schneider who investigated claims made by companies about their environmental credentials has said “greenwashing” is now an epidemic. With funding from Science Foundation Ireland and a team of 20 researchers.

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Professor Donna Marshall and team wins Bankinter Consumer Finance Award for Research in Business Ethics

Professor Donna Marshall’s co-authored paper, “Reporting Controversial Issues in Controversial Industries", has won the Bankinter Consumer Finance Award for Research in Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, and Sustainability.

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Is synthetic data the key to better market research?

Marius Claudy, Professor of Marketing, considers how market researchers will test AI’s ability to use synthetic responses of its own devising, effectively cutting human interviewees out of the equation.

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Corporate emission targets are incompatible with global climate goals

Professor Andreas Hoepner and colleagues from Utrecht University, Imperial College London and University of North Carolina, argue that any method to derive company-level emissions targets inherently distorts competition in favour of existing companies and penalizes emerging or growing businesses.

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Conservatives less accepting of new technology due to traditional morals

Conservatives show lower acceptance of new technology because of greater concern for binding moral foundations, finds new research from Dr. Marius Claudy, Associate Professor of Marketing at UCD College of Business.

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Alzheimer's detected four years earlier if considering banking behaviours, finds new research

Professor Cal Muckley discuses how AI based models using clinically informed lead indicators and data related to money management difficulties can predict clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) four years in advance.

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How can healthcare systems become more equitable?

Professor Susi Geiger directs the MISFIRES Conference Targeted Therapies and the exhibition Chronic Illness: A Creative Exploration Art, exploring how to make healthcare systems more equitable by improving stakeholder input into biomedical and public health issues. 

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Decarbonisation: Policy and support are key to wider business buy-in

Assistant Professor of Management Heletjé van Staden examines what's behind Irish transport greenhouse gas emissions increasing by 6.7 per cent in 2022, more than double the EU’s average of a 2.7 per cent increase for that year.

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Is paying a ‘greenium’ worth it when it comes to the bond market?

The EU’s new green bond standard is tied to environmentally friendly activities but there may sustainable alternatives. Greenwashing can be a problem with green bonds, says Dr Fabiola Schneider, assistant professor in accountancy at UCD.

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Euroviews. Equal pay laws in Europe are failing — pay transparency could be the key

Women often remain unaware of pay discrimination in their work, due to companies being able to keep salaries a secret. Pay transparency would fix this, Prof Roland Erne writes.

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Ireland’s first Human Resource Management and Employment Relations Department celebrates 50 years

UCD College of Business celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formation of the current Human Resource Management and Employment Relations Department on March 12, 2024. Also, the creation of Ireland’s first Chair, Professor Brian Hillery, and the Department in Industrial Relations in 1974, as well as the education and research that has influenced the field.

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New three-day sustainable finance course takes on rapidly changing landscape

“Banks and financial institutions are increasingly recognising the importance of sustainable finance,” says Julie Byrne, Associate Professor of Finance. Julie addresses helping financial services professionals acquire the new skills and knowledge necessary to capitalise on the growth opportunities presented by a rapidly changing financial landscape.

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In the biggest election year in history, experts join forces to address the great challenges facing democracy

Professor Roland Erne, UCD School of Business, is in the last year of his ERC project European Unions investigating how European labour politics has evolved in light of new developments in European economic governance. 

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Plane sailing: Maintaining the talent pipeline in aviation

“One in two planes are now leased and this is a growing trend,” says UCD’s Prof John Cotter, who teaches a number of modules on the new course and was involved in its development. Ireland is a leader in an industry that is growing."

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Fighting for female financial health

Your health is your wealth but financial health also matters. Unfortunately, on that front women are faring more poorly than men. “When we talk about female financial health, we refer to the overall well-being and stability of women’s financial situations,” says Alessia Paccagnini, associate professor at University College Dublin’s School of Business.

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Living sustainably can save you money

Daniel Peng is an assistant professor at the School of Business in University College Dublin. Having lived elsewhere before coming to Ireland, such as the US, Canada and Germany, the economist has observed stark differences in the approach to living sustainably between populations.

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Millennials are over the American dream of hard work and big pay packages: Most would take a 20% salary cut for better work-life balance

With an age range from 27 years old to 42, millennials are no longer the youngest generation of workers, and Maeve Houlihan, associate management professor of UCD College of Business, points out a significant consideration for this cohort of workers is whether they want or already have children.

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Growth trajectory resumes for Ireland’s aviation leasing industry

“The number of commercial aircraft in the world is not gigantic,” says Dr Thomas Conlon, professor of finance at the UCD School of Business. “It’s around 30,000. In terms of monetary value a new narrowbody aircraft will cost anywhere between $60 million and $110 million.

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‘None of our students will be in the same job at the end of the course,’ says UCD project management course director

The move to a fully online delivery model has proved highly successful for the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School part-time MSc in project management. “The programme has been fully online since September,” says Joe Houghton, director of project management and lecturer at the School. 

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Can we reduce risk for essential workers in the next health emergency?

The UCD Working in Ireland Survey (WIIS) led by Professor John Geary and research team,  including Dr Maria Belizon and the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI), provides the backdrop for a symposium examining essential workers’ job quality and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic and explores whether essential workers possess the skills and resilience to undertake such a role again in the event of another health emergency.

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Business School Lessons In Good And Bad Leadership From 2023

In the Forbes 'Business School Lessons in Good and Bad Leadership from 2023' article, Professor Karan Sonpar looks at how leadership requires vision, the courage to make big bets, the humility to collaborate, and the energy to lead corporate transformation and renewal.

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Consumers are more forgiving if faulty products are environmentally friendly

Consumers react less negatively to the failure of green products than conventional products, finds new research from Dr Anshu Suri, UCD Garfield Weston Assistant Professor of Marketing at UCD Smurfit School, HEC Montréal, and Ted Rogers School of Management.

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How charities can manage their way to cost effectiveness

Charities must find a balance between maintaining the status quo without being afraid of change when necessary if they want to maximise cost effectiveness, finds Professor Mark Pagell.

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Consumers more likely to accept advice from an AI animal if task fits the species as discussed by Anshu Suri

Academics from UCD College of Business, HEC Montréal, and Nottingham University Business School (China) found that consumers are more accepting of AI in an animal form if the task seems to fit the species, such as seeking fitness advice from a cheetah.

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John Geary and Lisa Wilson on Job Quality in Ireland

In this report, Professor John Geary, UCD College of Business, and Dr Lisa Wilson, Senior Economist at the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI), examine the quality of people’s jobs in Ireland's labour market.

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How to successfully embrace the biocircular economy

Donna Marshall, Full Professor at the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and Executive Director of the UCD Earth Institute discusses the sustainable, biocircular economy as the effects of global warming and the wider climate crisis highlight the need to achieve sustainable development goals.

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Dr Mark Connor on the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Dr Mark Connor speaks about Artificial Intelligence, now the leading edge of technology, driving unprecedented advancements across sectors. The AI industry is witnessing a skyrocketing demand for professionals from healthcare to finance and education to the environment.

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Professor Susi Geiger appointed to new World Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines

Professor Susi Geiger has been appointed as an independent expert with the newest World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines (TAG-PPM).

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Dr Penelope Muzanenhamo awarded Human Relations Journal Paper of the Year 2023

UCD College of Business Assistant Professor Penelope Muzanenhamo was awarded Paper of the Year 2023 by the journal of Human Relations Journal for her research titled, ‘Epistemic injustice and hegemonic ordeal in management and organization studies: Advancing Black scholarship’. 

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Open Letter: Experts plea for advancement of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards

A group of scientists led by UCD College of Business faculty Andreas Hoepner and Fabiola Schneider; as well as Theodor Cojoianu from University of Edinburgh, Andreas Rasche from Copenhagen Business School and Joeri Rogelj from Imperial College London have published an open letter to the European Commission to seek advancement of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which were adopted by the Commission on 31 July 2023.

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Should Executive Education be more like TikTok?

New Director of UCD Smurfit Executive Development Professor Tim Wray discusses trends in executive education from bite chunk to virtual learning and designing accessible ways of learning for busy executives to refresh their skills and stay relevant in a diverse, global workforce.

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Business Education in the 21st Century

Professor Federica Pazzaglia, the new Director of UCD Smurfit School discusses how research with real world impact will drive the future of business education.

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Why Do Companies’ IT Projects Fail So Often?

Sept. 7, 2023  Originally published in the Wall Street Journal — Professor Joe Peppard: Remember that IT project that your company launched and turned out to be a bust? The answer, of course, is yes: There are likely few organizations that haven’t been touched by some IT project mishap, or worse, disaster. How can that be? Why, despite decades of implementing IT systems, are organizations still struggling with their tech projects?

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UCD Business Professors named to Vogue Business 100 Innovator List

UCD College of Business Professor Donna Marshall and Visiting Assistant Professor Hakan Karaosman’s research in sustainable and ethical supply chain has earned them a place on the prestigious Vogue Business 100 Innovators list which is hand-picked by the publication’s global team of editors.

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Call in the Consultants

Academic Director for the MSc in Management Consultancy Kathy O’Reilly is a leader in work-integrated learning that brings students and companies together for real-world based projects. She discusses the key benefits of hiring management consultants including the value of a fresh set of eyes to bring about new ideas and efficiencies.

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AI: Hype vs Reality

7th June 2023. Founding Director of the UCD Natural Computing Research and Applications Group Professor Mike O’Neill looks inside the machine and subjects generative AI to a reality check to determine if it is a useful business tool or a job killer.

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Squaring the supply-chain sustainability circle can’t be half-hearted

Tweaks won’t make companies’ supply chains sustainable – a whole-system approach is called for. This article was written by Danielle Barron and part of The Irish Times Special Report on Supply Chain published on May 18, 2023.

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European Commission names FReSCH as pioneering research project The research is conducted at UCD Centre for Business and Society (CeBaS)

The European Commission recently named FReSCH, Fashion’s Responsible Supply Chain Hub, as one of the pioneering research projects with implications for sustainable and circular fashion and textile value chains. Research led by Assistant Professor Hakan Karaosman and Professor Donna Marshall

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Can our psychological addiction to property be cured?

Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Paul Ryan discusses Ireland’s fatal attraction to property and his current research that psychoanalyses the country's relationship with land ownership and development. 

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Chrysalis of crisis: Covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain

Assistant Professor Hakan Karaosman, Professor Donna Marshall and Associate Professor Veronica H. Villena recently published new research, "Chrysalis of crisis: Covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain" in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

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The Past and Future of Gender Research in Marketing – and Its Relevance to Contemporary Societies

By Marilyn Stone, Director, Academic Communities and Journals, American Marketing Association. Professor Andrea Prothero, University College Dublin, with researchers from Kedge Business School, University of Bath, and University of Texas at Austin published a new Journal of Marketing article that examines how the socialization of researchers—especially their commitments to particular research values and practices—impacts the types and results of gender-based research published in top-tier marketing journals.

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Global food price hikes: Who’s to blame?

Professor Don Bredin discusses global price wars and who is stoking global food prices.

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Problem Solvers: How mathematical techniques help leaders make better decisions

Assistant Professor Esposito Amideo explains how using operational research and mathematical modelling can result in better outcomes in real-world scenarios, including business decisions, global challenges and reacting to natural disasters.

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Business Failure: The hospitality industry fights back

Assistant Professor Orla Byrne discusses why entrepreneurship is good for society and how Ireland's hospitality sector can survive tough times.

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Is confidence weaponised against women?

A paper co-authored by Dr Darren Thomas Baker dispels the myth that confidence is a general-neutral term. In fact, confidence is not only gendered — he says it is “weaponised against women”. First published in the Harvard Business Review. 

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Our energy future: Charting this winter and the winters ahead

Assistant Professor Mel Devine reveals how renewables may solve this winter’s looming energy crisis and how new energy forms could hold the key to our future.

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Vaccination status determines people’s attitudes towards those suffering from Covid-19 research study finds

A study by Marius Claudy and Suhas Vijayakumar finds that unvaccinated individuals not only face potential health threats from COVID-19 but are also at risk of being socially excluded by the vaccinated population which is the majority. 

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Companies that Ignore Worker Safety May Win for a While but Could Face Investor Ire

UCD Professor Mark Pagell explains how investors are focusing on worker safety issues. First published on

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AI is being used to help stop elder financial abuse

Professor Cal Muckley speaks to the Irish Times about AI project aimed at preventing the financial exploitation of older people.

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UCD researchers join €7.5m EU project for sustainable mining

Researchers at University College Dublin (UCD) are taking part in a €7.5m project called Vector that aims to study the exploration of minerals needed to manufacture green technologies. Published on Silicon Republic.

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Uber files revelations underline the value of whistleblowing

Irishman exposed his former employer’s dirty tricks, so it’s reassuring that Uber lobbying in Ireland ultimately failed. Article by Professor Niamh Brennan, as published in the Irish Times.

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Remote working is starting to look like a busted flush

Employers are hesitant, workers are unsure and the Government is not doing much to help.  Professor John Geary speaks to the Irish Times.

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Job Quality and Employee Well-Being During the Covid-19 Pandemic

There is little reliable evidence as to how and to what extent the Covid-19 Pandemic has reshaped work in Ireland and with what consequence for workers’ job quality and well-being. A study led by Professor John Geary, with Dr Maria Belizon and researchers from NERI addresses this gap.

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Ireland fertile ground for fintech companies

June 2022. Fintech is going through a period of strong growth, particularly in regtech with new regulations coming into force all the time

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Male Executives Control 99 Times More S&P 500 Shares Than Women

June 2022. Stock ownership data shows men accumulating more company shares at almost every level. This article was first published on Bloomberg Europe Edition by Jeff Green, 06 June 2022.

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Mind the Gap: Gender equality and pay

June 2022. Professor of Employment Relations Colm McLaughlin has recently taken on the role of VP of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at UCD College of Business. He talks about the importance of bringing transparency to gender pay issues and on finding out who is paid what—and why. Season 2 Episode 17

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More than 40% of women said remote working during pandemic impaired wellbeing — study

June 2022. Unions can play ‘important role in moderating harmful effects of working from home’, study suggests.

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What Is The Gig Economy? Jobs, Apps & Platforms Explained

June 2022. Gig economy companies like Uber, Deliveroo, and Airbnb have made purchasing products and services quicker and simpler. But what is the gig economy?

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Recovery on the horizon for Irish aviation but challenges remain

May 2022. Ireland has a sophisticated aviation finance ecosystem that combines experience, expertise and a business-friendly environment, all of which will be vital to recovery. But there are challenges too.

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Global March: How organisations can survive the age of global tension

May 2022. Associate Professor in Strategy and International Business Dorota Piaskowska discusses why globalisation will continue despite war and Covid, and how organisations can navigate in a nervous era. Season 2 Episode 15.

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Blockchain Revolution: How technology will change accountancy

April 2022. UCD Nova’s Invention of the Year Award winner Dr John McCallig discusses blockchain, cryptography and why accountants are moving up the value chain and driving innovation within companies by introducing machine learning to provide better insights into large data sets. Season 2 Episode 13.

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Dr Xuanyu Yue is believed to be the world’s first PhD graduate in Aviation Finance

April 2022. “Demand for air transport is going to continue to rise, and both the industry and individual airlines will have to learn to balance increasing demand while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and complying with new stricter policies,” said Dr Xuanyu Yue who is believed to be the world’s first PhD graduate in Aviation Finance.

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Accountancy Invention Recognised with 2022 NovaUCD Invention of the Year Award

March 2022. NovaUCD has today announced the recipients of its annual innovation awards which highlight successes made in areas of knowledge transfer, consultancy, entrepreneurship and the promotion of an innovation culture, by members of the UCD research, innovation and start-up community.

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The end of greenwashing: Eco-friendly investing gets real

February 2022. Green investing may have grown in popularity but with this came the risk of “greenwashing” as funds embellished their environmental kudos. This was enabled by a lack of consensus on what green investing actually was. 

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How do you model economic uncertainty?

February 2022. Dr Alessia Paccagnini discusses the fascinating world of economic modelling, including how to model uncertainty to help policymakers make decisions of international importance. She also discusses her role in encouraging women to enter the field of finance. Season 2 Episode 10.

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E.U. labels natural gas and nuclear energy ‘green,’ prompting charges of ‘greenwashing’

February 2022. Professor Andreas Hoepner speaks to the Washington Post on the European Union’s plan to classify some natural gas and nuclear power as green investments, a move that may shape the climate fight in Europe and around the world.

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Taking the Stigma Out of Business Failure

January 2022. With January often being a time when small businesses can struggle for survival Emmet Oliver chats to Dr Orla Byrne about challenging the perception of failure when it comes to SME’s.

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Product placement in TV & film

January 2022. Assistant Professor Julie Schiro speaks to Claire Byrne, RTE, about this powerful form of advertising and the psychology of how it works.

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Why Wispa’s ‘shrinkflation’ is a question of costs

January 2022. Professor Damien McLoughlin told The Hard Shoulder this latest 'shrinkflation' is down to costs. He discusses the impact of cocoa price inflation on contectionery manufacturing and giving consumers a reason not to buy. Originally aired on Newstalk’s The Hard Shoulder.

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Global vaccine equity for COVID-19: A myriad of proposals, but are there too many cooks or too many recipes?

December 2021. Professor Susi Geiger, UCD College of Business, and Associate Professor Aisling McMahon, Maynooth University, discuss global equitable access to vaccines.

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What’s behind the post-festive slump? A bit more than ‘Blue Monday’

January 2022. Professor Karan Sonpar talks to The Irish Times on how managing mood is key to staying motivated as Covid disruption marks its second anniversary.

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Prof Gerardine Doyle selected as first business school leader to prestigious Gender Diversity List

The 2021 HERoes Future Female Leaders list was released on the 9th of September 2021 celebrating 100 inspirational women who are making a significant contribution to gender diversity at work.

Professor Gerardine Doyle is the first ever business school director to be included in the elite list which is developed by diversity and inclusion organisation INvolve, with support from Yahoo Finance UK.

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AI has changed the way the world works – and offers rewarding careers

July 2021. Alessia Paccagnini, Assistant Professor at the UCD Smurfit College of Business explains to The Irish Times the impact Artificial Intelligence is having on our everyday lives and how the benefits of implementing AI in Finance are monumental.

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Transformation of work to renew focus on leadership skills, say experts

July 2021. Karan Sonpar, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at UCD College of Business speaks with The Irish Times as part of a Special Report on Future of Work and highlights how challenges will make good leadership and management even more important.

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Five trends in green finance

May 2021. UCD Faculty and researchers offer expertise in The Irish Times Green and Sustainable Finance Special Report with contributions from Prof Andreas Hoepner, Yanan Lin, Fabiola Schneider and Dr. Theodor Cojoianu.

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UCD to host largest EU Research Group on Fintech, Cryptocurrencies and Cybersecurity

April 2021. To address rapid changes in the industry, academics from 12 of the world’s leading business schools will take part in the Dublin De-Fi and Digital Finance and Financial Services Conference (D3FSC) on Risk in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies on April 29 and 30, 2021. The event is organised by UCD College of Business Professors Alessia Paccagnini, Valerio Potì and Andreas Hoepner.

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Rise of the Machines

27th April 2021. Professor of Operational Risk in Banking and Finance Cal Muckley’s research focuses on combating wrongdoing in the banking world. He explains the benefits, but also warns of the potential dangers of machine tools.

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Anatomy of Failure

13th April 2021. Dr Orla Byrne, Assistant Professor Entrepreneurship and Strategy, talks about why we need to learn resilience and avoid stigma when businesses fail. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast at the link below.

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Gender inequality study shows women strongly under-represented on marketing academic journal boards

April 2021. New research by Professor Andrea Prothero and co-researcher Professor Pierre McDonagh identifies structural systemic and institutional biases that perpetuate inequality for female academics.

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Winners and losers: Carbon-free Economy

March 2021. Dr Geertje Schuitema, Associate Professor in Consumer Behaviour and Technology Adoption, discusses how the transition to a carbon-free economy can be as fair as possible. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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NFT art: The bizarre world where burning a Banksy can make it more valuable

March 2021. In a recent article in The Conversation, Paul J Ennis, Assistant Professor at UCD Business, helps us delve into the tricky world of blockchain or 'NFT' art.

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'Rehiring employees will offer risk and rewards. How should companies navigate a delicate time for all concerned?'

March 2021. A study recently released by a team of global researchers led by Dr Virginia Stewart of UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School found that rehired, or boomerang, employees come with a hefty price tag—just over $10,000 more in annual salary —than an equivalent counterpart who stayed at the firm. 

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Professor Cal Muckley and team recognised for Elder Financial Abuse project

March 2021. Professor Cal Muckley from UCD College of Business and UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy and collaborators Dr Gaurav Kumar, Linh Pham and Darragh Ryan have been named runners-up in the 2020 UCD Research Impact Case Study Competition. 

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UCD College of Business takes home category win at The Case Centre Awards

February 2021. UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School’s Assistant Professor Ciaran Heavey and Assistant Professor Dorota Piaskowska won the Strategy and General Management Category at The 2021 Case Centre Awards for their study, Ryanair: Flying Too Close to the Sun?

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Eastern European migrants don’t drain Western European healthcare services

January 2021. A new study demonstrates that Eastern European migrants are no drain for Western European healthcare services, led by Dr Sabina Stan, Senior Social Scientist at the European Research Council group of Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance regime, and co-authored by Professor Roland Erne.

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Professor Karan Sonpar speaks with The Irish Times on getting through lockdown

January 22, 2021. Professor Karan Sonpar speaks with The Irish Times on getting through lockdown number three at work by staying focussed and by doing what is relevant and really important.

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Experts sound alarm on ‘critical oversight’ in EU Commission process for Green Deal

December 6, 2020. A group of scientists led by UCD College of Business Full Professor of Operational Risk, Banking & Finance Andreas Hoepner and Joeri Rogelj, Coordinating Lead Author of the IPCC SR1.5 report, have warned that there is disconnect between EU climate goals and finance rules.

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Black Friday

23rd November 2020. JP Donnelly, WPP Ireland Chairman and UCD College of Business Lecturer, tells us how Amazon from the West and Alibaba from the East are changing e-commerce as the key shopping day approaches. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast at the link below.

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COVID-19: Researchers examine impact across business and society

November 2020. Along with academics across the globe, faculty in the UCD College of Business adapted their research agendas during the year in response to the COVID-19 crisis. On November 6, the ERC MISFIRES project and UCD Centre for Business and Society (CeBaS) presented the first in a series of two Research Mornings highlighting the work of College faculty currently researching topics around the impact of COVID-19. 

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A Green Deal for All

16th November 2020. Dr Julie Byrne, Director of the Bachelor of Commerce at UCD Quinn School, delves into greenwashing, alternative energy progress, stranded assets and gas-guzzling cars. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast at the link below.

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Does the Devil Wear Prada? Lessons in supply chain sustainability from luxury fashion

Nov 2020. Professor Donna Marshall and Dr. Hakan Karaosman recently presented the results of a five-year ongoing research project, with multiple companies in the luxury fashion industry in The European Business Review. In the article they uncover the new strategic dimensions driving these companies: innovation, exclusivity, and consciousness and provide a radar for capturing sustainability practices.

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From Big Data to Smart Data

9th November 2020. The world of HR analytics is changing our workplaces and competitive advantage is at stake says Dr Maria Belizon, Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at UCD College of Business.  Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast at the link below.

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UCD Professors only academics appointed to EU Commission Platform on Sustainable Finance

Nov 2020. UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Professor of Operational Risk, Banking & Finance Andreas Hoepner and Dr. Theodor Cojoianu Visiting Research Fellow at UCD Smurfit school and Assistant Professor in Finance, Queen's School of Management, have been the only finance professors to be appointed to the EU Commission's Platform on Sustainable Finance.

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The Irrational Workplace

2nd November 2020. Dr Darren Thomas Baker, Assistant Professor at UCD College of Business, speaks to Emmet Oliver as part of the UCD Business Impact podcast series. Dr. Baker explains why now is the time to focus on the unseen emotions found in the workplace.

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The Art of Negotiation Explained

26 October 2020. Dr Virginia Stewart, Assistant Professor at UCD College of Business, speaks to Emmet Oliver as part of the UCD Business Impact podcast series.  Virginia shares secrets of negotiation from aspiration targets to zones of agreement, and how to reach your goals in the workplace and beyond.  

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Working remotely requires more individual contact, not less

28 September 2020. UCD's College of Business, Professor Karan Sonpar speaks with Olive Keogh of The Irish Times on best-practice for remote working and shares advice on virtual people management including respecting boundaries and being aware of Zoom fatigue.

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‘Best Overall Paper Award’ at the Academy of Management 2020 Conference

September 2020. Professor  Karan Sonpar and Professor Federica Pazzaglia, along with their co-author Hardik Agarwal (IIT Delhi), have won the ‘Best Overall Paper Award’ at the Academy of Management 2020 Conference from the Careers Division. Their paper, “Identity Work of Persistent Liminars following Voluntary Career Change," was awarded the honour.

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Balancing the Mission with the Margin in Healthcare

8th September 2020. Director of UCD Smurfit School, Professor Gerardine Doyle, discusses the intersection of business, leadership and healthcare and how it can help us work through the defining challenges of our generation and rethink our future. 

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Billion Dollar Molecules

31st August 2020.  The pandemic has put a focus on drug development as an exciting career area, but finding and funding vaccine work can be arduous and frustrating. Business of Biotechnology Professor Jan Rosier discusses pharma’s pivotal role in the fight against COVID-19 and the industry’s future development.

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What does the store of the future look like?

27th August 2020.  Covid-19 has had a catastrophic impact on many retailers – apart from food stores and some others deemed essential, such as electrical goods and pharmacies, most were forced to shutter. So: what will the store of the future look like? Professor Damien McLoughlin speaks to the Irish Times.

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The Lean Business Plan

8th August 2020. Assistant Professor Orla Byrne, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Strategy, speaks to RTE's Aine Kerr about all things Lean Startup.  Orla outlines how to make a lean business plan to help start-ups gain access to critical funding.  Reignite is a new series on RTE Radio One that gives listeners the motivation, information and tips needed to take an idea and run with it.  

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It’s a myth that companies must put shareholders first – coronavirus is a chance to make it stop

Aug 2020. Donncha Kavanagh, Professor of Information & Organisation, UCD and Jeroen Veldman, City, University of London, allow us to reimagine the corporation, its supporting institutions, and the processes by which stakeholders can meaningfully be represented in an article featured on The

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UCD research finds investors are ‘kept in dark’ on coronavirus impact

July 2020. Listed companies accused of 'regressing to silence' in academic study of profit warnings. Professor Niamh Brennan speaks to Niall Brady of The Sunday Times about the research findings. 

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Healthcare as a Market

July 2020. An expert in collaborative market innovation in healthcare markets, Professor Susi Geiger discusses how digital health and better drug pricing policies can save our most important sector.  Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Splitting and blaming: The psychic life of neoliberal executive women

July 2020. Dr Darren Thomas Baker, Assistant Professor of Business in Society, has been included in the prestigious Financial Times Top 100 Business School Research with Social Impact List for his publication, "Splitting and blaming: The psychic life of neoliberal executive women".

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Retail Therapy

July 2020. A leader in business strategy, Professor Damien McLoughlin reveals how valuing staff and not fearing Amazon are keys to the retail industry's future.  Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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A question of attitude: Becoming culturally intelligent

July 2020. Dr Linda Yang, UCD College of Business Intercultural Development and Support Officer, talks about Dublin as a hub for international students, learning to adapt overseas and unique welcomes from Dublin taxi drivers.  Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Ireland must reassure US firms with an eye to European markets

July 2020. “The two things that our government should be investing in right now are education and sustainability and these are the two areas that are underfunded and not given the priority they desperately need. These are key to the future of not only Ireland but of the planet." Professor Donna Marshall contributes to an Irish Times report.

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Professor Brian Fynes awarded prestigious EurOMA Fellowship Award

June 2020. Dr Brian Fynes, Professor of Supply Chain Management at the UCD College of Business, is to be awarded the prestigious European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Fellowship Award in recognition of his significant contribution and impact in the field of operations management over an accomplished career.

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Future of work: Remote, creative and a store of meaning

June 2020. Collaborative approaches are key to a dislocated workforce culture. An Irish Times special report featuring key insights and commens from Dr. Maeve Houlihan, Associate Dean and Director at UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business.  

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Will COVID-19 end air travel as we know it?

June 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic is a 'once in a century' type of event for aviation, but even this crisis won't change people's innate desire to travel says Patrick Blaney, Chairman Aircraft Leasing & Finance at UCD College of Business. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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The Politics of the Mask

June 2020. Dr Julie Schiro on why wearing a facemask has become so politically charged and socially challenging. Her new study explores mask-wearing behaviour and how people weigh up threats to physical health versus social acceptance. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Professor Marshall elected as first Irish President of IPSERA

May 2020. Professor Donna Marshall, UCD College of Business, has become the first Irish President of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA). IPSERA is a multi-disciplinary network of over 1000 academics and practitioners from over 30 countries across the world.

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Companies that provide safer workplaces are more likely to go out of business

May 2020. A study recently released by a global team of researchers including, Mark Pagell, Mary Parkinson, Michalis Louis and Brian Fynes of UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School found that companies that provide safer workplaces are more likely to go out of business than those that do not.

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How COVID-19 will change where we work, when we work, and how we work

May 2020. Dr Maeve Houlihan, Associate Professor of Management and Director of UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business, discusses the life-altering trends set to impact the workplace.  Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Niamh Brennan admitted to Royal Irish Academy

May 2020. Professor Niamh Brennan, Michael MacCormac Professor of Management at UCD and Founder/Academic Director of the UCD Centre for Corporate Governance, has been admitted as a Member to the Royal Irish Academy. Membership is by election and is considered to be the highest academic honour in Ireland.

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Crisis Strategy: Yesterday’s logic has no use for tomorrow

May 2020. Professor of Management and Academic Director at UCD Smurfit Executive Development Pat Gibbons delves into devising strategies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and warns of a bumpy road ahead for Ireland, Inc. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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April numbers highlight the damage done to the Irish economy as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown

May 2020. The latest Consumer Market Monitor (CMM), published by the Marketing Institute of Ireland and UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School shows that the Irish consumer economy collapsed in April with most sectors showing dramatic declines as a result of the Covid19 lockdown.

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UCD Business team shortlisted to compete for €5 million Science Foundation Ireland Future Innovator Prize

May 2020. Two UCD teams, AI_PREMie and Greenwatch, have been shortlisted for the AI for Societal Good Challenge. Members of the Greenwatch team include; Professor Andreas Hoepner, Dr Yanan Lin, Dr Theo Cojoianu and Pat Cox, Chairman, Sustainable Nation Ireland.

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Brexit planning serves Irish food industry well in Covid-19 challenges

May 2020. Prior to the pandemic, Irish exports were in tremendously good shape. Damien McLoughlin, Professor of Marketing at UCD College of Business, speaks to the Irish Times on what lies ahead for the Irish food and drinks sector.

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Supply Chain Shock: How the pandemic could help save our future

April 2020. Professor Donna Marshall digs into the complex worlds of supply chains and why traditional values of relationship management, knowing your suppliers and building a good reputation can help the world prepare for future shocks. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Study: COVID-19, How does it affect you?

April 2020. A team of researchers at UCD College of Business is engaged in a European study about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s daily lives. “It is vital that we have a good sense of how this pandemic affects how people live and work, and how this in turn impacts their acceptance of and adherence to government policies,” said Professor of Marketing Susi Geiger. 

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Go on a diet this Earth Day, a fossil fuel diet

April 2020. “The planet needs to go on a diet,” says Professor Andreas Hoepner, Chair in Operational Risk, Banking and Finance at the UCD College of Business. “We need to reduce our greenhouse emissions by 7% year-on-year in order to be carbon neutral by 2050.”

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A World Transformed: Marketing Strategies in the Age of a Pandemic

April 2020. Mary Lambkin-Coyle, Professor of Marketing and author of the influential Consumer Market Monitor, discusses how the marketing world has changed overnight and how companies can mitigate challenges and pitfalls. Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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UCD Smurfit School Banking and Finance faculty secure €500,000 Horizon 2020 research award

April 2020. Professor of Finance in the Business School Valerio Poti, Head of the Banking and Finance Subject Area Professor Don Bredin and Assistant Professor Dr. Alessia Paccagnini have secured a Horizon 2020 (H2020) Cost Action award in the Financial technology (FinTech) domain. 

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Why Being Short Term No Longer Works in Business

April 2020. Professor Andreas Hoepner discusses why thinking long term is the crucial lesson in a pandemic age. He explains why we should put ourselves on an environmental 'diet', and why it helps to have a doctor as a leader in a healthcare crisis.Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: COVID-19 financial impact

April 2020. Ireland's leading expert on corporate governance Professor Niamh Brennan discusses the financial fall out of the COVID-19 crisis. From controversial dividend payments to admiration of Ireland's crisis response, listen to the full episode below.Listen to the full UCD Business Impact Podcast on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Are Irish insurance firms doing enough?

March 2020. Experts differ with regard to the speed of innovation in Irish insurance companies.  Professor Cal Muckley contributes to an Irish Time special report. “I am seeing plenty of activity and companies coming together to collaborate on new solutions, while training courses are on the increase".

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5 Biggest Trends Impacting International Business In 2020

Feb 2020. Trump's second election, Brexit negotiations, and globalisation - 2020 is set to be an interesting year.  Professor Eamonn Walsh discusses the biggest trends impacting international business.

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The consumer economy has finally recovered from the “lost decade”

Feb 2020. The latest Consumer Market Monitor (CMM), published by the Marketing Institute of Ireland and UCD Smurfit School shows that the Irish consumer economy has remained strong over the past three years despite a faltering in confidence due to widespread worries about a negative fallout from Brexit. 

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Sustainability hits fashion capital

Jan 2020. The White Street Market (WSM) Fashion Reboot, held in January 2020, was the first event of its kind dedicated entirely to fashion design and sustainable innovation in Milan, Italy. UCD Centre for Business and Society (CeBaS) at UCD College of Business was featured as a leader for research and teaching excellence for sustainability.

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Is synthetic data the key to better market research?

Marius Claudy, Professor of Marketing, considers how market researchers will test AI’s ability to use synthetic responses of its own devising, effectively cutting human interviewees out of the equation.

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Will artificial intelligence take over the world?

Dec 2019. Much like human intelligence has evolved over time, so too will artificial intelligence. The difference is that this evolution is being guided by humans and getting to the next level with this technology raises many important philosophical and ethical questions. Professor Mike O'Neill discusses some of the uncomfortable answers when he spoke to the Irish Times.

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Fraud detection system to protect elderly

Oct 2019. Professor Cal Muckley and his team have developed an algorithm that is 57% more accurate than existing systems in identifying fraud targeted at the elderly. Their work, at the interface of corporate finance andcapital markets, is focused on mitigating financial fraud and has the potential to protect millions of the world’s most vulnerable individuals.

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Hitting the healthcare sweet spot

Oct 2019. Professor Gerardine Doyle's research interests blend accounting, taxation and public health to measure value in our health services industry, health literacy and a sugar tax to combat childhood obesity. She has been awarded funding exceeding €14 million for major comparative research projects addressing key areas of health policy and management.

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European Commission names FReSCH as pioneering research project The research is conducted at UCD Centre for Business and Society (CeBaS)

The European Commission recently named FReSCH, Fashion’s Responsible Supply Chain Hub, as one of the pioneering research projects with implications for sustainable and circular fashion and textile value chains. Research led by Assistant Professor Hakan Karaosman and Professor Donna Marshall

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Can our psychological addiction to property be cured?

Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Paul Ryan discusses Ireland’s fatal attraction to property and his current research that psychoanalyses the country's relationship with land ownership and development. 

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Living sustainably can save you money

Daniel Peng is an assistant professor at the School of Business in University College Dublin. Having lived elsewhere before coming to Ireland, such as the US, Canada and Germany, the economist has observed stark differences in the approach to living sustainably between populations.

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Professor Susi Geiger appointed to new World Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines

Professor Susi Geiger has been appointed as an independent expert with the newest World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines (TAG-PPM).

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Fighting for female financial health

Your health is your wealth but financial health also matters. Unfortunately, on that front women are faring more poorly than men.

“When we talk about female financial health, we refer to the overall well-being and stability of women’s financial situations,” says Alessia Paccagnini, associate professor at University College Dublin’s School of Business.

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